Abitur at Lauenburgische Gelehrtenschule Ratzeburg
– ← Back to cvDuring my time at school I had the opportunity to meet other people that shared my interest in computers.
At school we started a computer working group where we met after school to tinker. This group was self-managed and while teachers were often happy to support us we came up with our goals and activities by ourselves.
Computer workgroup
In addition to lasting friendships this group achieved:
- The installation of a wifi network for all students to use. Along with that a separate network for teachers was created, too.
- Organizing talks to teach other pupils topics such as HTML and Linux.
- Setup and maintenance of an internet cafe that provided means for relaxation and research to all students outside of computer classes.
This was noticed by our teachers who praised our commitment:
Translated, name adjusted:
In scope of the computer workgroup Fiona participated in the buildup of the school-internal wifi and internet cafe and maintained these for several years. This was helpful to countless students and teachers. During that time Fiona also took care to pass on her knowledge to younger students.
A recurring project of our working group was the RoboCup Junior, an international robotics competition. We managed to partake for several years.
- RoboCupJunior 2006: certificate of qualification
- RoboCup Junior International Competition 2006: certificate of participation
- RoboCup Junior 2007: certificate of participation
- Daniel-Düsentrieb Wettbewerb 2007: certificate of participation
- RoboCup German Open 2008: certificate of participation
Additional projects
Other projects that our group participated in included:
- visiting in the computer science summerschool events at the university of Lübeck in 2004 and 2005.
- This allowed us to use some of the summer break to learn about Java and OOP.
- organizing a track for the schools project week in 2008 where students would learn basics of java and vector math to build a small game.
- visits to events such as the CeBIT and chaos communication congress.