Curriculum vitae

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Hey 👋, I'm Fiona (she/her) and I enjoy collaborating on software.

I also enjoy daydreaming, long walks and chaos.

Feel free to write me a mail at: [ enable JavaScript to read ]

Job experience

Senior Software Engineer, AG, TeamShirts
Software Engineer, AG, TeamShirts
Independent scholar, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History
Student assistant, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology


Malen nach Zahlen, Nook
Eine Einführung zu CRDTs, Nook
Mit 3D-Plussen den Raum füllen, Nook
Aspects of data-driven UX, Nook
Permuting the cube, EnthusiastiCon
Putting your money on locales, NooK
Intro zu GraphQL, MetaNook
JavaScript single-page applications, MetaNook
Containern mit Docker, MetaNook
JavaScript mit Raphaël.js, MetaNook


Dropout, M.S. Computer Science, University of Leipzig
B. Sc. Computer Science, University of Leipzig
Alternative Civilian Service, Don Bosco-Haus für das behinderte Kind e.V.
Abitur, Lauenburgische Gelehrtenschule Ratzeburg